Python Data Classes

Harsh S.
Harsh S.
Hello, I'm Harsh, I hold a degree in Masters of Computer Applications. I have worked in different IT companies as a development lead on many large-scale...
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Python dataclasses, a powerful feature that simplifies the process of creating classes for storing and manipulating data. Dataclasses are a feature introduced in Python 3.7 as part of the standard library module called dataclasses. We’ll explore the concept step by step with easy-to-understand explanations and coding examples.

Dataclasses in Python

Dataclasses in Python are closely related to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. They provide a more convenient way to define classes. Let’s check out more detail about them below.

What is a dataclass?

A dataclass in Python is like a blueprint for creating objects that hold data. It helps you define the structure and characteristics of the data you want to store.

Think of a dataclass as a container that holds different pieces of information, like a box with labeled compartments. Each compartment represents a specific attribute of the data, such as a developer’s id, velocity, or team.

In simple terms, a dataclass in Python is a way to define and organize data with less effort, making it easier to work with and manipulate the information you need.

Also, please note that dataclass is originally a decorator which in turn gives it the ability to modify the behavior of functions or classes. Read more about decorators in Python if you want to.

Why should you use dataclasses?

Dataclasses offer several benefits that make them useful:

Simplified Class Definitions: With dataclasses, you can define classes with fewer lines of code compared to traditional classes. This helps you write clean and concise code.

Automatic Method Generation: Dataclasses automatically generate commonly used methods, such as __init__, __repr__, __eq__, and more. This saves you from writing repetitive code, making your classes more maintainable.

Readability and Debugging: Dataclasses provide a clear representation of objects, making it easier to read and understand their contents. Additionally, the auto-generated __repr__ method helps in debugging by providing a helpful string representation of the object.

Moreover, the dataclasses also provide additional functionalities, such as:

a) The default values for attributes, type hints, and
b) support for mutable and immutable data structures.
c) They support inheritance, allowing you to build hierarchies of dataclasses and inherit their properties.

Checkout – if you wish to read more on inheritance in Python.

Which methods are automatically generated?

When you define a class as a dataclass, Python automatically generates various special methods based on the class attributes. These methods include:

__init__: Creates an instance of the class and initializes its attributes.
__repr__: Returns a string representation of the object, useful for debugging and readability.
__eq__: Implements equality comparison between objects using the == operator.
__ne__: Implements inequality comparison between objects using the != operator.
__hash__: Enables objects to be used as keys in dictionaries and sets.

Syntax – How to use

To use dataclasses in Python, you need to import the dataclass decorator from the dataclasses module. The basic syntax for defining a dataclass is as follows:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class ClassName:
    attribute1: type
    attribute2: type

Here’s an example to illustrate the syntax:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Point:
    x: int
    y: int

In this example, we define a dataclass called Point with two attributes, x, and y, both of type int.

Using Dataclasses with Examples:

Let’s explore some examples to better understand how to use dataclasses.

Example-1: Basic Dataclass

As an illustration, let’s begin with the most basic example of developers working in an Agile team.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Developer:
    id: str
    velocity: int

In this example, we created a Developer dataclass with two attributes: id (a string) and velocity (an integer). The @dataclass decorator automatically generates the __init__, __repr__, and other methods for us. Let’s create an instance of the Developer class:

developer = Developer("Ben", 10)


Developer(name='Ben', velocity=10)

At this point, we can see that the __repr__ method provides a readable representation of the Developer object.

Example-2: Default Values

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Developer:
    id: str
    velocity: int
    product: str = "e-Payment"

In this example, we add a default value of “e-Payment” for the product attribute. If we create a Developer object without providing a value for the product, it will default to “e-Payment”:

developer = Developer("Emma", 15)


Developer(name='Emma', velocity=15, product='e-Payment')

Example 3: Comparing Dataclass Objects

Dataclasses support object comparison using the == operator. Let’s compare two Developer objects:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Developer:
    id: str
    velocity: int

dev1 = Developer("Luca", 12)
dev2 = Developer("Noah", 18)

print(dev1 == dev2)  # False

Since the attributes differ, the comparison results in False.

Example 4: Nested Dataclasses

You can also use dataclasses to create nested data structures. Let’s create a class named Scrum that holds a list of Developer objects.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

class Developer:
    id: str
    velocity: int

class Scrum:
    team: str
    developers: List[Developer]

In this example, we import the List class from the typing module. Then, we define the “developers” variable, a List type holding Developer objects. We can then create a Scrum object with multiple developers

developers = [
    Developer("Emma", 15),
    Developer("Luca", 12),
    Developer("Noah", 18)

scrum = Scrum("Agile Mavericks", developers)


Scrum(team='Agile Mavericks', developers=[Developer(id='Emma', velocity=15), Developer(id='Luca', velocity=12), Developer(id='Noah', velocity=18)])

Finally, from the above result, we can see that the Scrum object contains a list of Developer objects.

At this point, you may like to refer to Python dataclass exercises and start practicing.

That’s it! You now have a good understanding of Python dataclasses. They provide a simpler way to define classes for storing and manipulating data, reducing boilerplate code and making your code more readable and maintainable.


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