How to Remove Whitespace from a String

Meenakshi Agarwal
Meenakshi Agarwal
Hi, I'm Meenakshi Agarwal. I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Computer Applications. After spending over a decade in large...
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This tutorial explains multiple ways to remove whitespace from a string in Python. Often, as a programmer, we need to put in a mechanism to remove whitespace, especially trailing spaces. So, with the solutions given here, you would be able to remove most types of whitespaces from the string.

Multiple Ways to Remove Whitespace from a String in Python

Since there is more than one way to solve this whitespace removal task, the question to you is which one would you pick? For this, check every method given below and apply your logical mind. After that, you will be able to find the solution that suits the most to your need.

1. Using Python str.strip()

The str.strip() method in Python is a built-in string method that is used to remove leading and trailing whitespaces (including spaces, tabs, and newline characters) from a string. It does not affect spaces within the string itself. Here’s a more in-depth explanation of how str.strip() works:


string = "   Hello, World!   "
stripped_string = string.strip()


  • str.strip() returns a new string with leading and trailing whitespaces removed.
  • Whitespaces include spaces, tabs, and newline characters.
  • The original string remains unchanged, and the result is a modified string.


original_string = "   Python is fun!   "
stripped_string = original_string.strip()


Python is fun!

Use Cases:

  • Cleaning user inputs: Removing unintentional leading or trailing spaces from user-entered data.
  • Preprocessing data: Ensuring consistency in strings read from files or external sources.


  • If you only want to remove leading or trailing spaces, you can use lstrip() or rstrip() respectively.
  • The str.strip() method does not modify the original string; it returns a new string with whitespaces removed.

This method is particularly useful when working with data that may have varying amounts of leading or trailing spaces, ensuring that the string remains clean and consistent for further processing or display.

2. Str.lstrip() to Remove from Left-side

The str.lstrip() method in Python is a string method used to remove leading (left) whitespaces from a string. It returns a new string with any leading whitespaces, including spaces, tabs, and newline characters, removed. The original string remains unchanged, and the result is a modified string without the specified leading characters.


string = "   Hello, World!   "
left_stripped_string = string.lstrip()


str.lstrip() returns a new string with leading whitespaces removed (from the left side).

Leading whitespaces include spaces, tabs, and newline characters.

The original string remains unchanged, and the result is a modified string.


original_string = "   Python is fun!   "
left_stripped_string = original_string.lstrip()


Python is fun!   

Use Cases:

  • Cleaning data with leading spaces: Useful when handling data where the left side may have unintentional spaces.
  • Preprocessing strings before further analysis or display.


  • If you want to remove trailing spaces from the right side, you can use str.rstrip().
  • The str.lstrip() does not modify the original string; it returns a new string with leading whitespaces removed.

This method is particularly handy when working with strings where leading spaces need to be eliminated for consistency in data processing or presentation.

3. Str.rstrip() to Remove from Right-side

The str.rstrip() method in Python is a string method used to remove trailing (right) whitespaces from a string. It returns a new string with any trailing whitespaces, including spaces, tabs, and newline characters, removed. The original string remains unchanged, and the result is a modified string without the specified trailing characters.


string = "   Hello, World!   "
right_stripped_string = string.rstrip()


str.rstrip() returns a new string with trailing whitespaces removed (from the right side).

Trailing whitespaces include spaces, tabs, and newline characters.

The original string remains unchanged.


original_string = "   Python is fun!   "
right_stripped_string = original_string.rstrip()


   Python is fun!

Use Cases:

  • Cleaning data with trailing spaces: Useful when handling data where the right side may have unintentional spaces.
  • Preprocessing strings before further analysis or display.


  • If you want to remove leading spaces from the left side, you can use str.lstrip().
  • The str.rstrip() method does not modify the original string; it returns a new string with trailing whitespaces removed.

This method proves beneficial when dealing with strings where trailing spaces need to be eliminated to maintain data consistency in various scenarios, such as when processing user inputs or reading data from external sources.

4. Remove Whitespaces with str.replace()

The str.replace() method in Python is a versatile string method used to replace occurrences of a specified substring or characters with another string. When it comes to replacing whitespaces (spaces, tabs, and newline characters) in a string, str.replace() proves to be a handy tool.

Here’s an overview of using str.replace() to replace whitespaces:


string = "Remove all whitespaces from this string."
no_whitespace_string = string.replace(" ", "")


str.replace() returns a new string where specified substrings (whitespaces in this case) are replaced with another string.

It effectively replaces occurrences of spaces with the replacement string (in this case, an empty string).

The original string remains unchanged.


original_string = "Remove all whitespaces\tand\nnewlines."
no_whitespace_string = original_string.replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "")



Use Cases:

  • Cleaning strings with whitespaces: Useful when eliminating spaces, tabs, or newlines from a string.
  • Preprocessing data before further analysis or formatting.


  • Multiple calls to str’s replace() can be chained to replace multiple types of whitespaces.
  • The str.replace() method does not modify the original string; it returns a new string with the specified replacements.

Using str.replace() to replace whitespaces is a practical approach for cleaning up strings and ensuring they are free from unwanted spaces. It’s especially helpful when preparing data for analysis or display.

5. Using Python Regular Expressions (re module)

In Python, the re module provides support for regular expressions, offering a powerful toolset for pattern-based string manipulation. When it comes to removing whitespace from a string, the re.sub() function is particularly useful. Regular expressions allow for flexible and pattern-based matching, making it versatile for handling various types of whitespace.

Here’s an overview of using the re module to remove whitespace:


import re

string = "Remove whitespace using regular expressions."
no_whitespace_string = re.sub(r'\s+', '', string)


re.sub() is a method for replacing substrings that match a specified pattern with another string.

The pattern \s+ matches one or more whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines).

The replacement string is empty, effectively removing the matched whitespace.

The original string remains unchanged.


import re

original_string = "Remove whitespace\tusing\nregular   expressions."
no_whitespace_string = re.sub(r'\s+', '', original_string)



Use Cases:

  • Cleaning strings with various whitespace characters: Useful for removing spaces, tabs, newlines, etc.
  • Handling complex whitespace scenarios in data preprocessing.


  • The r before the pattern denotes a raw string literal, preventing unintended escape characters.
  • Regular expressions offer a flexible way to handle complex patterns in string manipulation.

Using the re module with regular expressions provides a robust solution for removing whitespace in various forms, making it suitable for scenarios where different types of whitespace need to be addressed comprehensively.

6. Str.Split() and Python Join() to Remove Whitespace

Using str.split() and str.join() is an effective method to remove whitespace from a string while preserving the content between words. This approach involves splitting the string into a list of words based on whitespace and then joining them back together without spaces.

Here’s a breakdown of using str.split() and str.join() to remove whitespace:


string = "Remove whitespace using split and join."
words = string.split()
no_whitespace_string = ''.join(words)


str.split() breaks the string into a list of words based on whitespace (spaces, tabs, and newlines by default).

The resulting list is then joined back together using str.join(), effectively removing any spaces between words.

The original string remains unchanged.


original_string = "Remove whitespace using   split  and   join."
words = original_string.split()
no_whitespace_string = ''.join(words)



Use Cases:

  • Preserving spaces between words: Useful when you want to maintain word separation.
  • Quick and straightforward whitespace removal.


  • If you want to preserve spaces between words, use str.join(words) without removing spaces.
  • This method is effective when the goal is to eliminate spaces while keeping word content intact.
  • Using str.split() and str.join() is a concise and straightforward way to remove whitespace from a string, especially when you want to preserve spaces between words. This technique is handy for quick string manipulation tasks.

7. Using List Comprehension to Remove Whitespace

Using list comprehension is another concise and efficient method to remove whitespace from a string. In this approach, you iterate through each character in the string and build a new string containing only the non-whitespace characters.

Here’s a breakdown of using list comprehension to remove whitespace:


string = "Remove whitespace using list comprehension."
no_whitespace_string = ''.join([char for char in string if char.strip()])


List comprehension iterates through each character in the string.

The condition char.strip() checks if the character is a non-whitespace character.

The resulting list is then joined back together using str.join().

The original string remains unchanged.


original_string = "Remove whitespace  using   list  comprehension."
no_whitespace_string = ''.join([char for char in original_string if char.strip()])



Use Cases:

  • Quick and concise whitespace removal: Suitable for a one-liner approach.
  • Maintaining readability and brevity in code.


  • The char.strip() condition ensures only non-whitespace characters are included in the new string.
  • List comprehension provides a compact and readable way to iterate through characters.

Using list comprehension for whitespace removal is a succinct and Pythonic approach, allowing you to create a new string with only the characters you want to keep. It’s a quick solution when brevity and readability are priorities.


Removing spaces in Python strings becomes straightforward with these methods. Tailor your approach to your specific needs, whether it’s leading, trailing, or all spaces, and even preserve spaces between words when necessary. Feel free to experiment and happy coding!

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