In this J2EE online test, we’ve added twenty important questions to cover the basic concept of the J2EE platform, APIs, and its services.
J2EE is a cross-platform technology, built on top of the Java SE platform. It gives you a runtime environment for developing and running large-scale, multi-tiered, scalable, reliable, and secure network applications.
J2EE platform comprises the list of services, APIs, and protocols that enable the development of multi-tiered, Web-based applications.
It is a set of specifications that encompasses enterprise technologies like JMS, WS, Servlets, JSP, and EJB. Most of these specifications are implemented using Java.
You can refer to more about the J2EE from the wiki. Next, we recommend you not just leave from here but instead attempt some more cool quizzes and tutorials on Java/Python/Selenium and related programming articles from our blog. Now, click to start the J2EE online test.
J2EE Online Test for Freshers
Answer Key with Reasoning
Here’s a reasoning table explaining the correct answers concisely:
Q# | Correct Answer | Reasoning |
1 | Java 2 Enterprise Edition | J2EE is a platform for enterprise applications. |
2 | JavaServer Faces | JSF is a Java web framework for building user interfaces. |
3 | save() | save() persists an object into the database in Hibernate. |
4 | saveorupdate() | It either saves a new object or updates an existing one. |
5 | get() | get() returns null if the object is not found. |
6 | Object Relational Mapping | ORM maps Java objects to database tables. |
7 | Store Interface | Hibernate does not have a Store Interface . |
8 | filename.hbm.xml | Hibernate mapping files use .hbm.xml extension. |
9 | hibernate.cfg.xml | The Hibernate configuration file is named hibernate.cfg.xml . |
10 | Hibernate Query Language | HQL is an object-oriented query language in Hibernate. |
11 | Pointer | Hibernate does not use pointers since Java does not support them. |
12 | .war | Web applications are packaged as .war files in Java EE. |
13 | Java Server Pages | JSP allows dynamic web content generation in Java. |
14 | Controller | Struts follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. |
15 | Direction | Direction is not a valid JSP tag category. |
16 | Application module | Spring does not have a module named Application module . |
17 | Singleton | By default, Spring beans are singleton-scoped. |
18 | Forum Testing | Forum Testing is not a recognized software testing type. |
19 | getInstance() | This method returns a class instance in Singleton patterns. |
20 | All | ORM improves productivity, design, and code reuse. |
Key Takeaways from J2EE Online Test
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