Welcome to our Python DSA Quiz – Part 2. This quiz is designed to help you test and enhance your understanding of key concepts in recursion, sorting algorithms, and searching techniques. By participating, you’ll gain insights into how these algorithms work and their practical applications. Whether you’re preparing for interviews or aiming to strengthen your coding skills, this quiz offers a valuable opportunity to assess and improve your knowledge.
Python DSA Quiz – Part 2
Python DSA Quiz – Part 2 Hints
Question Number | Hint |
1 | The base case prevents infinite recursion by providing a condition to stop further recursive calls. |
2 | The factorial function multiplies the number by the factorial of the number minus one until it reaches zero. |
3 | Recursion is useful for problems that can be broken down into smaller, similar subproblems. |
4 | The function adds the last digit of the number to the sum of the digits of the number obtained by removing the last digit. |
5 | Each recursive call adds a new frame to the call stack; if this exceeds the system’s limit, a stack overflow occurs. |
6 | Quick Sort is efficient on average due to its divide-and-conquer approach, partitioning the array into subarrays. |
7 | Heap Sort builds a heap data structure and repeatedly extracts the maximum element. |
8 | Merge Sort consistently divides the array in half, ensuring a stable O(n log n) time complexity. |
9 | Building a heap from an unsorted array involves ‘heapifying’ each element, leading to linear time complexity. |
10 | A stable sorting algorithm maintains the relative order of records with equal keys. |
11 | Binary Search repeatedly divides the search interval in half, leading to logarithmic time complexity. |
12 | BFS explores nodes level by level, adding child nodes to the end of the structure used. |
13 | DFS explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking, using a structure that supports LIFO order. |
14 | BFS explores all neighbors at the present depth prior to moving on to nodes at the next depth level; DFS explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. |
15 | DFS is advantageous when the solution is located deep in the search tree. |
16 | Binary search operates by dividing the search interval in half; thus, the array must be in a specific order. |
17 | In tail recursion, the function’s final action is the recursive call, allowing optimizations by the compiler. |
18 | This algorithm uses a divide-and-conquer approach and has an average-case time complexity of O(n log n). |
19 | The base case prevents infinite recursion by providing a condition to stop further recursive calls. |
20 | Merge Sort consistently divides the array in half and merges them, ensuring stability and predictable performance. |
Summary: Python DSA Quiz – Part 2
Thank you for completing our Python DSA Part 2 Quiz. We’ve covered essential topics such as recursion fundamentals, sorting algorithms like Merge Sort, Quick Sort, and Heap Sort, as well as searching algorithms including Binary Search, BFS, and DFS. We hope this quiz has been informative and beneficial. To further solidify your understanding, consider revisiting our Python DSA Part 1 Quiz.
Stay tuned for our upcoming quizzes, where we’ll explore more advanced concepts to further enhance your Python programming expertise. 🚀 You may subscribe to our YouTube channel for new MCQs.