Selenium Webdriver is the most preferred tool for the automated testing of web applications. It has evolved from Selenium RC to Selenium 3.0 to keep up with the market trend. Here is the best Selenium quiz with some most relevant and the latest questions to test your acquaintance with this subject.
With the help of Selenium, we can simulate actions on websites like a real user does. It provides a rich set of APIs that we can use to capture a full business workflow for testing the functionality of any web application. Thus, it helps in reducing a lot of manual testing efforts and has now become a W3C standard. It can even work as a cross-browser automation tool for web application testing.
Also, with the rise of online startups, the requirement for web test automation tools like the Selenium Webdriver is growing at a fast pace. Hence, it is important for us to cover this topic in detail. The readers who can spend more time learning Selenium should refer to the latest set of Selenium interview questions from our blog. It could be a great resource for all Software test engineers.
However, in this Selenium quiz, we’ll focus on how to use Selenium APIs, Web drivers for various browsers, handle HTML objects, and different locators. We hope that it’ll be fun for you all to attempt this interesting online test.
🔥 Web Automation – Selenium Quiz
Note: You can find all the answers towards the end of this quiz. Please click here to download Selenium Webdriver.
Answer Explanations
# | Question | Correct Answer(s) | Brief Explanation |
1 | Which exceptions does WebDriver throw? | NoSuchElementException, StaleElementReferenceException, ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException | WebDriver throws these exceptions when an element is missing, stale, hidden, or not selectable. |
2 | Which WebDriver wait lasts until the session ends? | Implicit Wait | Implicit Wait applies to all elements until WebDriver is terminated. |
3 | Which are WebDriver navigation methods? | refresh(), forward(), back() | These methods allow navigation within the browser history and refreshing the page. |
4 | Which is NOT a WebDriver expected condition? | isAlertPresent() | WebDriver does not have isAlertPresent() , but it can detect alerts via alertIsPresent() . |
5 | How can WebDriver handle alerts? | dismiss(), accept(), sendKeys(), getText() | These methods allow interacting with browser alerts (accepting, dismissing, reading, or sending input). |
6 | What do close() and quit() have in common? | Takes no arguments | Both methods close browser windows, but close() shuts only the active window, while quit() closes all. |
7 | Which exception is checked at compile time? | Checked Exception | Checked exceptions must be handled at compile time using try-catch or throws . |
8 | Which is NOT part of the Selenium suite? | Selenium Web | No such component exists in Selenium; the correct suite includes WebDriver, IDE, Grid, and RC. |
9 | Which OS does NOT support Selenium IDE? | Unix | Selenium IDE is a Firefox plugin and does not natively support Unix. |
10 | Which is NOT a valid Selenium locator? | XSD | Selenium supports ID, Name, CSS, XPath, and DOM locators, but not XSD (XML Schema Definition). |
Key Takeaways from the Selenium WebDriver Quiz
The rise of online startups is contributing to the growth of web test automation tools like Selenium Webdriver. Also, it is quite easy to integrate Selenium with programming languages like Java and Python.
If you like to use Selenium with Python, then reading the below tutorial would be worth your time.
Next, we hope that all the software developers and test engineers will benefit from the quiz. They will appreciate us for our continuing efforts to share knowledge. We want to assure them that we’ll keep coming up with new quizzes on important subjects and will update the earlier ones as well.
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