Tag: Selenium Book a Flight

Want to automate flight bookings for your travel agency or personal use? Our Selenium tutorials will teach you how to use Selenium to interact with flight booking websites, fill out forms, and complete bookings. Become a Selenium automation expert and streamline your travel booking process.

Latest Of Selenium Book a Flight

List of Tutorials

Page Object Model and Page Factory Guide

Understanding the Page Object Model (POM) and Page Factory in Selenium is important for writing efficient and maintainable automation scripts. POM helps you keep web elements and actions in a structured way, making your code more concise. Page Factory eases…

Python Selenium 4 Automation Guide

Selenium 4 has been around now for quite a bit of time. It came out with many new features, some you can directly use while some will benefit you in the background. This version was released quite a while ago,…

Selenium 4 Relative Locators Guide

Until Selenium 3, there were 8 ways to locate web elements. Selenium 4 introduced a cool feature called relative locators, making it easier to find elements based on their position instead of just relying on ID or class. This comes…