Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Well, mastering SQL and PL/SQL could be the key to unlocking new opportunities and higher salaries!

Whether you’re a QA test engineer just starting, or a seasoned DBA professional, honing your database skills is essential.

That’s why we’ve put together this page filled with the top SQL interview questions for DBA and QA engineers.

Check out our top SQL interview questions for DBA and QA engineers!

As a QA engineer, learning SQL is a must. After all, understanding databases and writing SQL queries is essential for testing the functionality and performance of any enterprise application. For DBAs, SQL skills are even more critical as they’re responsible for creating database schemas, tuning DB entities, and ensuring the system’s overall performance.

But the importance of SQL doesn’t stop there. In today’s digital landscape, areas like Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Analytics are expanding the role of SQL and database programming. That’s why interviewers are always keen to assess a candidate’s SQL knowledge. And with good reason! Knowing SQL can give you a competitive edge in the job market and help you advance your career.

Why should I learn SQL and database programming?

A database, commonly known as the backend, is critical for any Enterprise Application. So it has to be regressed for functionality and performance. To access or manage a database, we need a Structured Query Language (SQL). It is a database programming language that gives us the means to work with different types of databases like Oracle, SQL Server, MYSQL, MongoDB, etc.

There are ample reasons that confirm the significance of SQL for Software testers and DBA professionals. DBA has to prepare database schemas and create tables and indexes. Also, he needs to tune the DB entities to step up the performance. On the other hand, a tester’s responsibilities are as follows.

  1. Write SQL queries to validate the integrity of the DB.
  2. Generate virtual load on the server.
  3. Testing – Upgrade of SQL software version.
  4. Testing – DB migration from an older DB to a newer version.

However, many emerging areas such as Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Analytics extend the scope of SQL and database programming. Hence, it’s a favorite subject for the interviewers which eventually makes it a mandatory skill for the candidates.

Top SQL Interview Questions for DBA and QA
SQL Interview Questions for DBA and QA.

Suggested Readings.

SQL is so interoperable that it fetches the attention of QA engineers and interviewers to add it as one of the key criteria for selection. It is also a fact that SQL/Database is an essential part of any computer science-related academic or degree program. So most engineers already have a basic understanding of SQL concepts.

Hence, they only need to concentrate on those SQL areas where the interviewer can most likely ask questions. That’s why we wrote this post to make you aware of the most frequently asked SQL interview questions you should know. We only wish to guide you in reading the content which is relevant and helpful. And something that could bring you success in Job interviews.

However, it’s imperative that you read all these SQL interview questions and answers. But you have to be equally strong in all areas of SQL such as PL/SQL, Normalization, Triggers, and database tuning. Hence, we suggest reading the below posts to complete the circle of your SQL interview preparation.

More importantly, don’t forget to stay up-to-date with the latest SQL updates by checking out our link to view the most recent posts on SQL interview questions and answers.

Read top SQL interview questions and be a successful DBA or QA.


With our help, you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful DBA or QA!

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Enjoy learning,