Tag: Chrome Extensions

In this section, you can find out some of the best Chrome extensions for Software developers and QA engineers.

They can use these chrome extensions to optimize and speed up their tasks.

Latest Of Chrome Extensions

List of Tutorials

7 Best Chrome Extensions to Find XPath in Selenium

How to find XPath in Selenium? It's a common challenge that troubles every test automation developer using Selenium for web testing. Hence, we picked the seven most relevant Chrome Extensions that can help you find XPath in Selenium. Introduction XPath…

Top 5 Python Shell Chrome Extensions for You

Today, we'll talk about the 5 Must-have Chrome Python Shell Extensions which could be very useful for Python developers and everyone else who loves to code with Python. 5 Chrome Extensions to Run Python Shell These Chrome extensions can save you a lot of…

Python Basic Harsh S.

3 Web Load Testing Chrome Extensions

In this post, we'll exclusively talk about the top 3 Chrome extensions for web load testing that can help test engineers eliminate a lot of manual efforts in their regular testing process. Web Load Testing requires monitoring of a web application or…

Software Testing Harsh S.

3 Must-have Chrome Rest Clients for API Testing

This post will focus on presenting the three must-have Chrome Rest clients for API testing that can dramatically reduce manual testing efforts. In today's web development context, the REST API is usually the most common way of implementing web services.…

Software Testing Harsh S.

7 Must-Have Web Testing Chrome Extensions

Many times a Software tester has to face new challenges while testing web applications and adapting to the prevailing situation. In the Agile model, the test engineers need to share quick observations on different use cases. And, there is almost no time…

Software Testing Harsh S.