Welcome to the TestNG Tutorials Board!

We’ve created this space to help all Software testing professionals with some of the best TestNG tutorials and learning materials. The purpose of this TestNG training board is to provide step-by-step lessons to teach all beginners and experienced test engineers.

TestNG as the name conveys is a next-generation test automation framework like JUnit and NUnit. But it has a lot more features than the other two which are mostly used for the unit testing purpose. TestNG can help us perform both the unit as well as automated functional testing.

Learn More- Selenium WebDriver Tutorial

We’ve organized the TestNG tutorials in multiple chapters so that you can learn all the required TestNG concepts. And each chapter includes an assignment (example) to practice the concepts you learn. If you go through the lessons in the order given, then you’ll surely be able to test any enterprise-level solution. You can even create a generic test automation suite using TestNG. And can use it for testing any no. of applications you get in the future.

TestNG Tutorials for Beginners – Step-by-Step Lessons.

TestNG Tutorials for Beginners - Step by Step Lessons

TestNG Lesson 1: Learn to Install TestNG in Eclipse IDE.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn three unique techniques to get the TestNG installed in your local Eclipse IDE.

TestNG Lesson 2: Get Started with TestNG Annotations and Learn their Applications.

In this lesson, we’ll describe various TestNG annotations, and how and when to use them in automating the testing tasks.

TestNG Lesson 3: Learn to Write Your First Test Case Using TestNG in Eclipse.

In this TestNG tutorial, you can find all the essential steps for creating a TestNG project in Eclipse. And start automating your first test case using the TestNG framework.

TestNG Lesson 4: How to Use Maven for Creating a TestNG and WebDriver Project in Eclipse?

This tutorial uses visual aids to teach how can you use Maven to create a TestNG project in Eclipse.

TestNG Lesson 5: What are TestNG Parameters and How to Use Data Provider Annotation?

It’s one of the TestNG tutorials which explains the real-time application of TestNG. In this, you’ll get to learn about TestNG parameters and see the working example of Data provider annotations.

TestNG Lesson 6: What are Different TestNG Assertions? Explain with Examples.

Assertions are the best replacement for If-Else blocks for testing conditions. In this tutorial, we’ll teach you how to use TestNG assertions with examples.

TestNG Lesson 7: TestNG Example – How to Save TestNG Results to an Excel WorkBook?

In this lesson, we’ll teach you an easy method for saving TestNG results to an Excel workbook.

TestNG Lesson 8: TestNG Example – How to Create TestNG Threads for Load Testing?

It’s a simple TestNG tutorial that explains how to use TestNG threads for Selenium load testing.

TestNG Lesson 9: TestNG Example – How to Use TestNG Factory Annotation for Load Testing?

In this chapter, we are again going to teach you an out-of-the-box feature of TestNG. It is none other than the TestNG factory annotation.

TestNG Lesson 10: TestNG Application – How to Create Data-Driven Test Suite Using TestNG Framework?

In this TestNG tutorial, we’ll present a live example of writing data-driven tests using Selenium Webdriver. With the data-driven testing approach, we can create a scalable test framework and run a large no. of test cases.

Finally, we’ve now come to the end of this post. And it’s our wish that you probably get the expected benefit after reading the above TestNG tutorials. Furthermore, we are continuously working on some more advanced TestNG framework applications. And we’ll keep posting them regularly to help you incrementally.

All the Best,
