Tag: Selenium Locate Elements

Learn how to find elements on web pages using Selenium’s powerful locators. Our tutorials will teach you about different locator strategies like ID, name, XPath, CSS selector, and more. Become a Selenium automation expert and efficiently interact with web elements.

Latest Of Selenium Locate Elements

List of Tutorials

Selenium 4 Relative Locators Guide

Until Selenium 3, there were 8 ways to locate web elements. Selenium 4 introduced a cool feature called relative locators, making it easier to find elements based on their position instead of just relying on ID or class. This comes…

Python Selenium Locate Elements

In this tutorial, we'll explain how to locate elements on a web page and perform operations on it. To perform any automated action on a web page, finding locators is mandatory. These are unique identifiers associated with the web elements…

How to Select the Selenium Locators

In the previous blog post, we walked you through the eight essential Selenium locators and explained some of the best examples for understanding the locators. Today, we are going to discuss the core ingredients of a successful Selenium automation project.…

8 Ways to Use Locators for Selenium Testing

Locators provide a way to access the HTML elements from a web page. In Selenium, we can use locators to perform actions on the text boxes, links, checkboxes, and other web elements. They are the basic building blocks of a web…