Tag: TestNG Examples

TestNG is one of the most test-friendly automation framework for both Java developers and testers. Explore TestNG examples for load testing explained in a super-easy style.

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List of Tutorials

How to Convert Maven Project to TestNG in Eclipse

In this tutorial, we'll explore the step-by-step process of converting a Maven project to use TestNG in Eclipse. We'll cover various aspects, including project setup, dependencies, configuration, and examples to help readers understand the process thoroughly. Why Convert Maven Project…

How to Use DataProvider in TestNG Projects

The DataProvider is your go-to annotation when your tests require inputs from external sources like Excel, CSV, or a database. This tutorial explains the use of TestNG DataProvider in detail. It covers - what is DataProvider in TestNG, its purpose,…

Learn to Use TestNG Threads for Selenium Load Testing

It’s a simple TestNG tutorial that explains how to use TestNG threads for Selenium load testing. Also, it's true that we can utilize TestNG to perform load testing by creating multiple threads. We can even re-execute a test the number…

TestNG Params and DataProvider Annotations

Unlike the old & reliable JUnit Test Framework, TestNG is the modern-day test automation tool. It has built-in support for data-driven testing and provides two ways to supply data to the test cases, i.e., via TestNG Parameters and DataProvider annotations. With…