Today, we bring you an entry-level Java developer quiz with 20 questions. We’ve crafted it with content that is helpful for both the software developers and automation test engineers.
With this quiz, any Java programmer or a test automation developer can evaluate himself. And tests his or her entry-level Java developer skills with this quiz. You will get to solve a range of questions on Java data types, variable assignments, Java classes, exception handling in Java, and some questions on standard Java packages.
Related Quiz – Java Exception Quiz with 20 Questions and Answers
We wish that improving their Java programming skills would benefit all software developers. Soon, we’ll offer more online quizzes on specialized Java topics like Java collections and strings. Let’s start.
Java Quiz for Beginner Level – 20 Questions
Answer Key with Reasoning
Here’s a concise reasoning table explaining the correct answers for all 20 Java questions:
Q# | Correct Answer | Reasoning |
1 | byte | byte is the smallest integer type (8-bit) in Java. |
2 | enum | enum is not a primitive type; it’s a special class. |
3 | double | double is a floating-point type, not an integer type. |
4 | [float, double] | float (32-bit) and double (64-bit) are floating-point types. |
5 | String | char holds a single character, but String is a sequence of characters. |
6 | System.out.println('Hello'); | System.out.println() prints text to the console. |
7 | Math | The Math class provides mathematical functions in Java. |
8 | True | Java’s int is always a 32-bit signed integer. |
9 | boolean | The boolean type stores true or false . |
10 | True | The Scanner class is used for reading user input. |
11 | 4 Bytes | Java int is always 4 bytes (32 bits). |
12 | byte | byte is often used for streaming and low-level I/O operations. |
13 | Illegal override | Static methods cannot override instance methods in Java. |
14 | Compiles fine | The overriding method declares the same checked exception, so it compiles. |
15 | True | public can widen method visibility but cannot reduce it. |
16 | true false | .equals() compares values, == checks object references. |
17 | true true | String literals are interned, so == also returns true . |
18 | Fixed value in code | Literals are constant values assigned to variables. |
19 | True | Primitive types like int and double hold literal values. |
20 | Java SE 7+ | Java 7 introduced binary literals (0b prefix). |
Key Takeaways from Java Quiz for Beginners
Those readers who love programming would also be interested in our recently published quizzes on Java & Python. We request you to have a look there as well.
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Worth Reading: Java Convert String to int
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